Dr. Montessori observed that allowing children to have a healthy sense of freedom within a structured environment enhances their development of self-discipline, independence, and a deeply joyful, curious approach to learning; we hold this respect for each child at the center of our work. Lessons foster our young learners’ deep engagement with skills and concepts that are appropriate for their Plane of Development. We understand the value of providing time for children to develop the stamina for sustained concentration. Our “practical life” activities empower children to care for their environment and develop the muscles for emotional agility and thoughtful citizenship. As a school community, we strive to create and maintain a learning environment that fosters each child’s inner peace, concentration, and sense of order.

Our philosophy emphasizes children’s competency and ability to construct their own knowledge through in-depth investigation and research. Our prepared classroom environment offers an array of beautiful and interesting materials that support children to make meaning through many symbolic languages, including drawing, sculpture, music, dramatic play, and writing. Children actively create meaning of their worlds, learn by doing and making decisions. There is freedom within the structure of the classroom to learn in a way that is best for each individual child. Teachers are co-constructors, learning alongside the children and lending guidance. Listening to children, recording their activities, displaying their work, and revisiting previous projects informs our practice and the children’s experience and development. 

Develop Independence

Children learn to self-advocate, recognize their own abilities and experience trial and error. At Unicus, mistakes are important pathways to further development. As Maria Montessori said, “Never do for a child that which he can do for himself.”

Foster Collaboration

Students learn by asking questions, having conversations, and developing the skills to genuinely listen to the ideas of others. We value differing ideas and approaches and believe this cultivates a rich, dynamic learning environment.

Harness Creativity

Breakthroughs happen as students investigate & articulate their understanding of new concepts—and the joy of finding their own success. We encourage children to use their innate skills to solve problems and engage in self-expression.