Registration form duly completed/filled in all respects alongside the required documents to be submitted at the school administrative office on working days. There will be a quick interaction with the child looking for admissions for class II and below.
There will be a pre-admission written test from class I onwards. Those candidates who will clear the written test will be called for interaction along with the parents. Based on the observation, admission test, interaction and other admission criteria, admission will be decided. School reserves the right to admissions.
Registration form is available at the school office on all working days. Parents can register online by visiting
For details about admission contact: 7830384060

Age Criteria for Admission
Play Group
The child should be 2+ at the time of admission.
The child should be 3+ at the time of admission.
The child should be 4+ at the time of admission.
Class I
The child should be 5+ at the time of admission.
For Further Classes
Similar increment for the age for the rest of other classes.